Performance™ Industrial
Solution for industrial work wear and uniforms
Performance Industrial is Ecolab's latest innovation in the cleaning and care of industrial workwear and uniforms. It’s the first dedicated programme that addresses the full range of cleaning needs throughout the automotive, metals, and food industries, as well as corporate uniforms and protective clothing.urfactants that are specifically formulated to eliminate a variety of heavy-duty industrial soils.
Main Features
- effective soil removal at already 60°C due to carefully selected surfactant mix and new soil removal technology
- protection of original whiteness of the white uniforms
- improvement of color brightness of blue and corporate uniforms
- hygiene guarantee at 55°C (VAH and RKI)
- protection of the safety properties of PPE garments (program recommended by the main PPE suppliers and high-visibility stripes producers)
- textile lifetime extension
- improved wearer's comfort
For more information please download the Performance Industrial datasheet

Improving Sustainability Performance at Lindstöm's Luumäki Plant
Performance Industrial Solution Story
Cleaning garments with reflective stripes is tough work. Industrial soiling, such as mechanical oil, soot, or dirt mixed with oil, requires a highly alkaline washing process. At the same time, the reflective stripes on these garments are very sensitive to alkalic water conditions and tend to lose their reflective properties after only five to ten washes, whilst the garments are still in perfect condition to be used for another 20-25 cycles.
In an attempt to solve this challenge, Lindström decided to partner with Ecolab to improve the washing process for garments with reflective stripes, aiming to decrease waste while improving the textile lifecycle.
Further Links & References
3M and Ecolab: laboratory wash test results of high visibility warning clothing in combination with Performance Industrial
View test results (EN) -
Carrington: common laundry recommendation for personal protective garments in combination with Performance Industrial
View recommendation (EN) -
DETERGO: successful companies - new solution for industrial work wear
Read more
Klopman: common laundry recommendation for personal protective garments in combination with Performance Industrial
View recommendation (EN) -
Lauffenmuehle: common laundry recommendation for personal protective garments in combination with Performance Industrial
View recommendation (EN) -
Watch the program video on YouTube